What is Radiation and Why are Balanced Atoms Important?
What is Radiation?
Simply put, radiation is travelling energy. It comes from a source and is able to penetrate different materials. Traditionally, mainstream science has differentiated between ionising and non-ionising radiation depending on whether the radiation produces enough heat to either break chemical compounds or to shake an electron off an atom. On a top-level, we can differentiate between radiation that travels in waves vs. radiation that travels in particles.
On a more granular level, we can differentiate the following 4 types of radiation:
- electromagnetic radiation (e.g. microwaves, radio waves. light - visible, infrared, ultraviolet - and x-rays)
- particle radiation (e.g. alpha- and beta-radiation)
- acoustic radiation (e.g. sound and ultrasound)
- gravitational radiation
The type of radiation that is interesting for us is the first one: electromagnetic radiation. It creates electromagnetic fields (EMF). That is the type of radiation people are generally concerned about when it comes to the use of laptops and mobile phones.
Here’s the truth: radiation is not harmful in and of itself.
All Data-Driven Devices Radiate
Phones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches, routers, any ‘Internet of Things’ device.. they all transmit and receive very strong radiation signals. Even hairdryers radiate energy!
Every time you turn your phone on, or turn your connectivity on, or open a new app, or download a video.. the search for a new connection between device and data source causes a significant radiation spike.
The intensity of a radiation field decreases over distance
As data is pulsed from the WiFi Router or Celltower, the signal gets weaker the further it travels.
But as that data is received by your device, the connection intensifies the radiation through your device.
The difference between Balanced and Imbalanced Radiation fields
After all the sun is a form of radiating heat that is an essential part of our wellbeing. Why would fields that emit less heat harm us so badly?
Here is the simple answer: it is about the quality and the balance of the radiation wave field.
The Atom in Balance vs. Imbalance
To understand this, we must go to the lowest common denominator and look at how an atom behaves and we must illustrate the important difference between an atom in a state of balance and one that is in ‘imbalance’.
Keep in mind how this is reflected in the contrast between the natural balance of the human body versus ‘man-made’ imbalance of microwave radiation fields that transmit our data to our laptops and phones because later we will be looking at what happens to the human body when these frequency fields meet.
This is our best presentation about this topic, if video is easier for you to follow:
A new look at the Atom – Zero Point, Compression and Expansion
In every atom there is a Zero Point. It is the still point of all potential and of all possibilities. What we mean is that all outcomes that are possible to be expressed in the atomic field derive from the zero point because it is the source of the energy.
Around the Zero point there are light rings (sometimes construed as currents) which move out towards the perimeter and back to the centre. They draw energy from the Zero point to move. It may help to picture a torus field of moving current which would look something like this (we are currently drawing this properly):
These light rings move in two phases: compression (which we can see here) and expansion (the invisible 'discharge' phase).
The compression phase of the movement of light rings represents generation. And the expansion phase of the movement of these light rings represents radiation. Compression is the charging cycle, the phase where life is generated. Expansion is the discharging cycle, the phase of expiration and dying. The Compression phase borrows energy from the Zero Point at the centre to move and generate life. The Expansion phase follows automatically with no need to add any external force.
Imagine if you are filling an inner tube of a tyre with air – you need to exert force to compress air in the inner tube but expansion of the compressed gas happens by itself in the tube.
Life-Death Cycle
In all living things there is a life-death cycle – the result of a continued interchange between compression and expansion of the light rings. This truth can be observed in your own body: when you breathe in your body is compressing and charging with energy, but when you breathe out your body is expanding and discharging.
What we see in every particle, every atom and cell and in all living things (including in our own bodies) is the result of this interchange between compression and expansion playing itself out until the end of the cycle.
One compression-expansion cycle is called an oscillation.
We have mentioned before that when an oscillation is a perfect balance between compression and expansion, the Zero Point of the cell will be in the geometric centre and you have natural order, or a healthy cell.
In an imbalanced cell, all expanding light rings are imbalanced and are performing imbalanced oscillations.
The Importance of Balance
Balance is achieved in an atom when the Zero Point aligns itself to the geometric centre of the perimeter of atom because the light rings are compressing and expanding in equilibrium. Here is another depiction of the torus field with a zero point in the middle, again just for illustration of this relationship and not for exactitude:
Going one step further, the light rings interchange in a spiral motion, which many call a toroidal motion, as seen above (please note: this is not an exact drawing of the motion of a cell or atom.
Here are some examples of particles and atoms which are balanced compared to those which are imbalanced.
Below is a healthy human cell many times magnified. It shows a still shot of the donut-shaped light rings moving and circumventing the Zero Point in the geometric centre. | The same photographer captured 'sickle cells', unhealthy cells which are characterised by imbalanced light rings and a zero point which is drawn out of the geometric centre. |
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Here is an example of 'balanced' blood cells from the Live Blood Analysis we did as part of our tests. The cells are round, balanced and have space around them. The black and white is inverted (like a photo negative) so the actual colours would be close to the picture above. | From our Live Blood Analysis following 20 minutes of watching a video on a mobile phone, there was a proliferation of imbalanced cells which represent Rouleaux syndrome. See the Zero Points are not aligned and the light rings are misshapen and seem out of balance. |
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In the structured water test performed by the Hado Life Institute, the sample treated with the Omnia Radiation Balancer shows a balanced, hexagonal structure: | The Hado Life Institute also showed the results of the irradiated water to be chaotic in structure and imbalanced, which is in line with our concepts of imbalanced oscillations. |
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We will explain in more detail later that the centred Zero Point is an intelligent source of energy, which we call the Creative Intelligent Source (CIS).
Radiation and Expansion
Radiation is all about expansion.
Everything that radiates expands into the surrounding space. Look at the light bulb carefully and you will see light rays expanding in your entire room originating from a small volume of incandescent wire.
The same goes for the sun, whose rays expand from the incandescent sphere into the surrounding space, reaching our eyes so that we can see the light.
If we look at another example, take a piece of paper that you wish to set fire to. The flame expands quickly out into the surrounding space and then disappears and dies.
The same is true of a cell tower or a Wi-Fi router – the microwave data fields are expanding (or pulsing) all the time, expanding their reach to meet our mobile data devices.
The devices act as a focal point for these expansive frequencies and a phone (or any connected device), will act as the compression phase for this abundance of expansive waves.
When we are in close proximity to man-made radiation waves, the zero point in our cells listens to the magnetic activity of the radiation field. And if the zero point of the microwave radiation field is uncentred and imbalanced and moving away from its centre, then this effect will be picked up and mimicked inside the human cell. It is this magnetic, sympathetic resonance which explains why we are affected by non-ionising, non-thermal radiation fields:
It's all about the 'centredness' of the zero point within the wave field of the radiation that we are exposed to.
With wireless microwave radiation, the balance of the spinning torus fields in our cells is compromised. Over time, this is not good news for the human body because all functions in the body, from your heart (a big electrical pump) to your brainwaves (which are invisible electrical fields), rely on balanced electrical currents. The body is electrical first and chemical second.
Read it in German: Was ist Strahlung?
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