Omnia's HRV Testing Results from IGEF
*Note - What you see in blue here is information taken directly from the IGEF reports.
Extensive research, development, and testing form the foundation upon which Omnia products are conceptualized and crafted. Today, we share the results of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) tests undertaken to measure how effectively the ORB sticker and the ORB pendant protect users against electromagnetic radiation.
The tests involved measuring the effectiveness of the ORB sticker and ORB pendant on 12 subjects of both sexes between 17 to 85 years of age, hailing from different living and working situations.
While a healthy human body is able to adapt its heart rate to respond to external and internal stimuli, constant exposure to EMF radiation-induced stress compromises our ability to do so. While a high HRV is a good sign, a low HRV shows the inability to adapt to foreign disruptions. The HRV tests described here measured the difference in HRV with and without the application of the ORB products.
The results were heartening:
From the 12 test candidates, 10 were negatively affected by wireless radiatiton, of whom 9 experienced a positive change (8 of whom experienced a very positive change) in HRV after using the ORB stickers and pendants. The one who didn't experience positive change was on heart medication, which the IGEF believe affected his results. There were 2 candidates who already showed relatively good adaptability to wireless radiation exposure so they showed no discernable change from using the ORB.
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The positive results recorded from the HRV tests have earned the ORB sticker and ORB pendant certification by the IGEF (Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog-Forschung), testifying to their ability to protect against electromagnetc radiation.
Our HRV Certificates:

Read on to understand the significance of HRV in and the HRV tests in greater detail.
What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV) & Why Does It Matter?
All rhythms of life are reflected in the heartbeat. The human body’s vegetative nervous system (VGS) dynamically controls its inner balance, depending on external and internal stress. Our heart reacts to consciously perceived stimuli as well as stimuli which can’t be consciously perceived.
Even at rest, changes in the time interval between heartbeats occur spontaneously. It is well known that both physical strain or psychological stress usually results in an increased heart rate, which usually decreases again when the body is relaxed. Thus, heart rate variability is the ability of an organism to adapt by changing the frequency of the heart rhythm. This happens via the optimal interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system.
The nervous system usually recognizes weakening or damaging effects, such as mobile phone radiation and electrosmog, as a vital threat. If the organism is permanently exposed to disruptive fields, these stress parameters cannot normalize, causing a reduction of heart rate variability.
This spontaneous excitation of the VGS by high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is usually far below the threshold value that can be physically perceived. However, thanks to the high sensitivity of modern diagnostic systems, we can now measure the smallest of changes in a person’s HRV.
As a result, it has become a crucial parameter to assess a person’s well-being and vitality. While a higher adaptability to stress is shown by a greater variability of the heart rate, chronic stress load can mean a reduced HRV due to the constant high level of tension.
What is the IGEF?
The Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog-Forschung [IGEF] translates as the International Association for Elektrosmog Research.
The IGEF is an international association of scientists, doctors, engineers, technicians, and experts who have been investigating the effects of electrosmog (EMF Pollution) on people, animals, nature, and the environment since 1990. Founded by Camilla Rees, it is a member of the International EMF Alliance.
To help consumers make decisions, the International Electrosmog IGEF Research Society and IGEF partners examine products, systems, buildings, etc. with respect to its protective properties against electrosmog (EMF Pollution). For the certification of the products that will receive the IGEF test seal, the protective properties of the product must be demonstrated in a certification procedure specified by the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Electrosmog IGEF Research Society.
The IGF declares: “In spite of the health risks of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation seen in extensive research results, one can no longer imagine our society without electronic and electro-technical products such as cell phones and the required mobile radio transmitters. It is therefore understandable that those affected think about how they can better protect themselves from the effects of electromagnetic radiation.”.
The HRV Test Setup
The HRV tests involved testing of the ORB Sticker and the ORB Pendant with regard to the protective effect against electromagnetic radiation exposure, e.g. from mobile phone, tablets, WLAN, DECT cordless phones and smartwatch using the VNS Analyse COMMIT HRV system.
The study involved 12 subjects of both male and female sexes, between the age of 17 to 85 years. Test subjects were recruited across varying living and working conditions. Measurements were first taken without the use of an ORB Sticker and the ORB Pendant and then again a few days later using an ORB Sticker and the ORB Pendant.
The vegetative nervous system consists of two main nerves that control and regulate our entire body. The sympathetic nerve, the tension nerve, and the parasympathetic nerve, the relaxation nerve. These two nerves control our heartbeat, blood pressure, hormonal and immune system, digestive activity, sexual organs, muscle tone, etc.
The aim of the test is to analyse the Vegetative Nervous System (VNS) to determine whether Omnia's technology leads to an improvement of heart rate variability in the test subjects, and thus can contribute to an increase in the individual adaptability of the biological system to increasing electromagnetic radiation loads.
Measuring HRV - What Are We Looking for?
This study conducted in September 2021 recorded the change in physiological signals of the test subjects as feedback from the vegetative nervous system to the bioenergetic information of the ORB Sticker and the ORB Pendant by measuring the heart rate variability and analysing it using mathematical-statistical methods.
There are two key recording mechanisms that are important to HRV measurement: the Rhythmogram and the Histogram.
The Rhythmogram is the basis for measuring the vegetative nervous system. It records heart rate variability. The more variable the individual distances are during the measurement, the more variability can be seen in the ryhthmogram.
✔ Example of a Good Rhythmogram Result (High HRV):

Here is a diagram depicting good variability in heart rate, therefore good ‘adaptability’ of the heart to foreign exposures. This variability is a sign of adaptability. It shows that the vegetative nervous system is able to adapt to internal and external stimuli.
✖ Example of a Disrupted Rhythmogram Result (Low HRV):

Disturbances of neuro-vegetative regulation are expressed in this measurement in a low or lacking adjustment of heart rate to respiration. This graph shows that the vegetative nervous system is unable to adapt to internal and external stimuli. This shows a restricted regulation of the heart rate.
Histograms are another way of displaying the recorded heart rate variability. Histograms split the measured RR distances into fixed time ranges, e.g. 900ms – 950 ms etc. The percentage frequency of the values in a time range is reflected in the height of the bar.
✔ Example of a Good Histogram Result (High HRV):

The more bars here are over the width, the more variable the heart beats, the better the autonomic nervous system can regulate itself to adapt to stressors.
✖ Example of a Disrupted Histogram Result (Low HRV):

On the other hand, if only one or two bars are displayed, this means that the measured RR intervals are almost identical. Accordingly, the heart goes full throttle to be efficient. It does not adapt individually.
Scatter Plot
Scatter plot can be used for a different representation of heart rate variability. One point in the coordinate system results from two adjacent RR-intervals. The first value is plotted on the X axis and the second on the Y axis. Thus a point in the scatter diagram results from these two values.
Ideally, the scattered cloud resembles an ellipse. Other cloud shapes allow conclusions to be drawn about possible rhythm disturbances.
✔ Example of a Good Scatter Plot Result (High HRV):

The larger the scatter cloud is, the more variable the heart beats, the better the vegetative nervous system can regulate
✖ Example of a Restricted Scatter Plot Result (Low HRV):

On the other hand, a highly condensed cloud means that the heart always beats evenly and can no longer adapt individually - signalling poor adaptability and low heart rate variability.
The VNS Parameters: Good vs Bad Vegetative Regulation
The protective effect of a product against high-frequency electromagnetic radiation exposure can be recognized by whether its use leads to an improvement in Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The traffic light colours in the background of the diagrams below are backed with standard values from worldwide literature. The values in brackets indicate the normal range. The value above the bars are the values measured during the measurement.
✔ Example of a Good VNS Diagram Result:

If possible, all parameters should be in the green normal range or approach the green range, as shown in the diagram below. And the Rhythmogram should be showing an ‘ellipse’ effect, which denotes good adaptability to the stress that is present from the radiation, rather than a tightly knit range of results.
✖ Example of a Restricted VNS Diagram Result:

In the case of poor adaptability or low heart rate variability, the VNS will be graphically representation this way. You can see that no element falls in the ‘green’ zone - most are severely under or over the optimal range.
Here is the IGEF explanation of what each bar means:
HF Heart rate: Rhythmograms form the basis for measuring the vegetative nervous system and the heart rate variability. Rhythmograms record every single time interval from heartbeat to heartbeat in milliseconds (RR interval) and connect them with a line. A total of 520 RR intervals are recorded on the X-axis.
The duration of the respective heartbeat is displayed on the Y-axis. The more variable the individual RR intervals are during the measurement, the more variability can be seen in the ryhthmogram. This variability is a sign of adaptability. It shows that the autonomic nervous system is able to adapt to internal and external stimuli. - Alpha 1: The alpha 1 value is an additional risk parameter and indicates the quality of regulation. At best, it should be in the green range. The higher it rises, the more compensation processes take place in the body.
- SDNN: The SDNN is the standard deviation, i.e. the total variability. The higher the SDNN, the greater the variability, the better the adaptability of the autonomic nervous system. The lower the SDNN, the lower the variability and thus vegetative regulation is restricted.
- SI: Stress index, tension nerve, sympathetic nervous system.
- RMSSD: Parasympathetic / relaxation nerve. In the resting state, the blue bar should be activated and rise up to the green area. If this is not the case, and the body tension clearly predominates, we speak of a regulatory disorder depending on the result (light, medium, severe, regulatory blockage).
OMNIA's HRV Test Results - What We Achieved
Now that we have an in-depth understanding of what result indicate a positive HRV test, let us look at the results from our 12 candidates. The findings are as follows:
- All 12 were negatively affected by their exposure to EMF Radiation
- 9 experienced positive results after using the ORB to harmonize the radiation
- Of those, 8 experienced significantly positive results
- All of the candidates who used the ORB for more than 4 days experienced positive results
# People Tested |
12 |
# Negatively affected by EMF before using ORB |
12 |
# positively affected by use of ORB |
9 |
# who had a significant shift in ability to adapt to EMF stress |
8 |
# who experienced No detectable shift |
3 |
As you can see, the findings are conclusive in demonstrating the effectiveness of ORB stickers and pendants in enhancing the subjects’ HRV and ability to adapt to EMF stress. All candidates who applied the ORB stickers and used the ORB pendants for longer than 4 days experienced positive results and positive HRV test results.
Anomalies - What about the 3 Subjects Whose Results Did Not Change?
You may have also noticed that there were 3 candidates who experienced no change in the tests. In all 3 cases, the test subjects used the ORB for less than 3 days. As a result, they likely did not use the products long enough to experience a shift in their HRV. One of the subjects was on heavy medication - the potential side effects of which were cardiovascular effects. While the remaining 2 subjects were heavy mobile phone users that did not use the Omnia products long enough to demonstrate their effectiveness.
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