How Omnia Technology Works

It’s all about vibration.
Omnia’s technology creates a ‘match’ between the spin of man-made energy (in the EMF radiation field) and the natural spin of energy in our cells.
The physical form that houses the ORB tech is a sticker (made simply of paper, glue and dye) that we infuse an invisible energetic layer. It is a programme that is created by a conscious energy we call 'Deca Energy'. Deca energy is an organic, boundless, and programmable nano-energy source that is always on, and it never runs out.
To recap our science, all man-made wireless radiation fields are energy fields that are ‘imbalanced’. This means that the magnetic zero point never sits at the centre of the electric wave field and the spin of electrical current around the zero point is therefore imbalanced.
When the ORB Sticker is attached directly to a radiating device such as a cellphone, the energy in the sticker connects with the microwave radiation and returns the magnetic zero point of the wave field back to its geometric center. Now that radiation field is in resonance with the body.
And when you wear an ORB Pendant, the radiation fields that you are exposed to will have less of an effect on your body. The energy in the ORB patch meets the energy in the body and brings the body’s electrical energy fields back to ‘balance and centeredness’.
Now you have a new relationship with your devices because the radiation they emit is spinning in the same pattern as the electrical currents in the human body. Omnia technology brings your body back to balance. The full explanation with visuals is found in this video:
Learn More About Omnia Technology Here
The Omnia Test Results show Body Benefit
The question is: does your body respond well or badly to an EMF Radiation field? And if the body reacts badly, does this result change once we have put the ORB on the phone? In all of our tests, we have received very positive results
Live Blood Analysis – The effects of Rouleaux were reversed after placing the ORB on the phone, in a very short space of time. This indicates that the body has felt some benefit from the ORB and started to bring itself back to balance at a cellular level.
Range of Motion – The body's flexibility is hindered by mobile radiation, but when the ORB is applied to the device or the pendant is worn, full flexibility and range of motion is restored.
Water Structure – Omnia is certified by Dr Emoto’s Hado Life institute, showing that when water is exposed to a microwave radiation field that is balanced by the ORB, hexagonal crystals are seen in the photos. This denotes balance and centredness in the water molecule, which is good news for your body seeing as it is made of over 70% water. So it follows that when you are holding a phone with an ORB sticker applied, the balanced energy field will have a positive effect on the water in your body.
Applied Kinesiology – The body goes weak when you hold a wireless device such as a phone. When the ORB sticker is applied to the phone or the ORB pendant is worn, the body strengthens considerably and sometimes becomes even stronger.
Heart Rate Variability – both the Omnia Sticker and Pendant are certified by the IGEF (the International Association of Electrosmog-Research), saying that they “shield over 99% of the measurable high-frequency cellphone radiation through 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi and WLAN.”
What are the Effects of EMF?
And Why Don’t I Notice Them?
EMF Radiation causes subtle electrical imbalances in the body that the brain does not pick up and the body does not feel. However a really good HRV system will measure these fluctuations in HRV and show whether a product will ameliorate this situation.
Because we have only been holding mobile phones for the last 25 years, our bodies have not evolved to the point where we have built-in cognitive sensors for low-frequency microwave radiation. That is why many people stand in disbelief when we show them how the body responds in a simple muscle test: their body’s intelligence is telling them something their minds can not yet acknowledge!
Conventional science relies on its age-old knowledge and repeatable practises. Peer-reviewed biological tests have been performed to assess whether there is any harm done by wireless radiation fields to rats, and the majority of independent scientific studies (note: not all of them) show a variety of serious adverse effects caused by imbalanced microwave radiation fields. There are 4,000 such studies in one single, significant report: [*The BioInitiative Study 2012]
A compromise to the electrical balance of the body is not desirable. Health effects will most likely only occur over the long term, unless the frequencies are turned so high that they affect us immediately (if for example, 5G gets turned up to 60GHz).
Everyone reacts differently, so the effects are difficult to predict, although we are hearing lots of stories from concerned parents about health conditions their kids are developing. Electro-Hypersensitivity is also on a steep upward trend.
However, conventional science is also struggling to explain why any adverse effects might be caused by low frequency, non-ionising radiation. It believes (wrongly, in our view) that harmful effects can only be caused by heat in a radiation field. Our science demonstrates that if a radiation field is imbalanced, it can cause imbalanced effects in our bodies.
In terms of vibration, this is what we call ‘dissonance’.
- How do I know that the Omnia Products are working?
This is a good question because the effects that the ORB has are invisible.
And in our modern day lives we rarely stop to check in with ourselves and do a system health check.
Everyone is different and will respond differently. Some people are super-sensitive and will notice the change in the energy field around the phone straight away. For others, it’s very subtle.
Please see all our test results, to give you confidence that our products are rigorously tested. We suggest doing a simple muscle test and a range of motion test to make sure that it's working for you.
- Can I test them at home?
Yes. Please see the two simple tests here to test your ORBs.
Rest the strip of ORB Sticker on your phone without peeling the sticker off (remember, it has to be in contact with the phone so don’t rest it on your phone case) and try the tests by following the instructions above.
With the ORB Pendant, just do the same test with no ORB Sticker on the device (and make sure that all ORB stickers are out of the room, and there is no ORB Sticker on the Wi-Fi Router). Hold the unprotected phone with and without the pendant around your neck and repeat the test.
If this doesn’t work for you or you didn’t feel the difference, you are welcome to get in contact with our Customer Support!
- How long do the ORB Pendant and Sticker last?
The balancing energy keeps spinning forever and it never runs out. The efficacy of the products decrease if they get damaged. So please look after them!
The ORB Sticker lasts for as long as you have the sticker applied to the radiating device and remains intact. If you plan on moving it, we suggest taping it to the new device so that it is firmly stuck on.
The ORB Pendant similarly lasts for as long as the pendant is intact and the patch on the back is undamaged. We suggest not wearing it in the bathtub or subjecting it to intense weather.
- Are the Omnia Products the Only thing I need to protect myself from EMF?
No. Absolutely not.
We know that the Omnia Products help to bring a new resonance between all your radiating devices and your body but there is so much exposure in the world, that we recommend adopting an abstinent and cautious lifestyle too.
The best thing to do is to reduce your exposure to EMFs all together. Especially at night time, when you should turn everything off.
You can learn more about this by clicking here.
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