“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.”
- Albert Einstein

Sometime in mid-2020, the Golden Gate Bridge began to sing.
Residents in the San Francisco Bay area were both curious and confused as to how the iconic landmark suddenly made deep, hypnotic howling sounds that could be heard for miles around.
Even more mysterious? The frequency of this sound was exactly 440 Hz, the universally agreed-upon standard used for tuning western music instruments across the world!
Turns out, the Golden Gate engineers had installed new wind resistance railings across the bridge and when the slats interacted with the flowing winds, they naturally produced this magical sound.
It made us wonder: what effect could a single frequency on a scale like this have on the Bay Area population?
It turns out, while this incident may have been a cosmic coincidence, the effects of healing sound frequencies on us are not. In fact, different Hz frequencies have been proven to have profound effects on us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Let’s explore how we can tap into the powerful healing properties of certain sound frequencies.
Sound Frequencies & The Human Connection
It’s not often that science and ancient wisdom agree wholeheartedly on… well… anything. But surprisingly, both agree that everything we see (and don’t see) is made up of frequencies.
Zoom into any matter that appears to be still, and you’ll find billions of atoms vibrating together with different energies, as if in a cosmic trance.
Scientific research has shown that every cell in our body depends on a symphony of resonating frequencies to signal, coordinate and function with other cells and organs. When these cells resonate harmoniously with each other, they promote healing, calm, and overall balance in our body and mind.
However, disruption to this resonance can cause a wide range of physical and psychological disorders.
So it makes perfect sense that some sound frequencies resonate better with our body and mind than others. And that some sound frequencies have unique healing properties for us.
The Magic of Solfeggio Frequencies
Let’s start all the way back in ancient times with the Solfeggio Frequencies.
The Solfeggio Frequencies are a set of tones that were used to recite the Gregorian chants by the early Roman Christians. According to them, these notes could raise the vibrational level of the listener and promote healing, positive thoughts, and an overall sense of harmony and connection with the universe.
In 1974, American herbalist Dr. Joseph Puleo deeply studied the Solfeggio sounds and found different Hz frequencies that corresponded to each of the notes of the Solfeggio scale. On the other side of the world, the ancient Indian meditative chant of ‘Om’ has been found to vibrate at 432 Hz - one of the notes on the Solfeggio scale!
As you can see, ancient cultures around the world were aware of the transformative powers of certain special sound frequencies - something that modern science is now slowly becoming aware of.
Guide To Healing Sound Frequencies For The Human Body
Extensive research over the years has found that exposing ourselves to each of the Hz frequencies, both from the Solfeggio Scale and outside of it, has a unique benefit on our well-being. Let’s take a quick look at what these frequencies are and how listening to them can impact our wellness:
Why is 440 Hz The Universal Standard Of Music?
If we know that there are frequencies that can heal, why is 440Hz the universal standard?
Almost all modern music produced today is recorded in 440 Hz audio frequency. This means that all the instruments used are tuned according to A440 Hz. (Or to the Golden Gate Bridge if you happen to be in the Bay Area on a windy day.)
But this was not always the case - most ancient cultures tuned their instruments to a variety of frequencies, with many choosing 432 Hz. Instinctively, they knew that listening to music at 432 Hz was more natural, soothing, and in tune with the human body than 440 Hz.
This changed in 1936 when the American Standards Association recommended that 440 Hz be used as the universal standard pitch, which was accepted by the International Standard Organization (ISO).
We looked into that too - listening to music recorded at 440 Hz is not inherently bad and it doesn’t terribly disrupt the human body’s natural rhythms. It does, however, miss out on the relaxing properties that could be unlocked by tuning to the healing frequencies.
This has been demonstrated in a 2019 study where participant’s heart rate and breathing rate reduced when listening to 432 Hz music in comparison to 440 Hz music.
Here is our Founder, Tim Sandars, back in 2018 laying down some tunes in 440Hz and 432Hz. You tell us which you find more comforting:
Final Thoughts on Healing Sound Frequencies
Music heals. This is something we can feel instinctively, something we have always known. But recent studies on the significant healing benefits of certain sound frequencies have given this phrase a whole new meaning!
We hope this snapshot of the transformational power of sound encourages you to embark upon your own sonic exploration. Who knows what beautiful secrets these sounds will unlock within you?
The Sounds that Heal Series
Sounds That Heal: Powerful Benefits Of Sound Frequencies For Our Wellbeing (You are here)
How Listening to 432 Hz Music Benefits Our Emotional & Spiritual Balance
Why 528 Hz Is The Frequency of Love: 5 Science-Backed Reasons
I Listened To Nothing But Solfeggio Healing Frequency Music For A Week
Hear Your Power: A Sound Massage Therapy Experience
Additional References & Interesting Reads
Music tuned to 432 Hz versus music tuned to 440 Hz for improving sleepMusic Tuned to 440 Hz Versus 432 Hz and the Health Effects
(PDF) Effect of 528 Hz Music on the Endocrine System and Autonomic Nervous System
(PDF) Sound Healing using Solfeggio Frequencies
Epigenetic toxicology as toxicant-induced changes in intracellular signaling
Intercellular communication, homeostasis, and toxicology
The Story Behind the Golden Gate Bridge's New Howl
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