Your Smartphone:

Omnia Radiation Balancer Stickers
Our stickers have a unique energy imprint in them that overrides any EMF field (whether 2G or 5G and above) on any device and this changes the vibration of the EMF to a state that we call 'balance and centredness', so that it is now an energy field that is in harmonic resonance with your body.
Back to Balance and Centredness
It can happen on a subtle level that you may not even notice. You can see clear demonstrations of the effects caused in all our test results on the heart, blood, body strength and water structure.
70% of The Human Body
is Made Of Water
B- With ORB: The same water exposed to EMF radiation that is balanced by the ORB
C- Without ORB: The same water exposed to EMF radiation that is NOT balanced by the ORB
We have also performed similar 'before and after' tests on the heart, on the blood, and on body strength (applied Kinesiology), which you can find here. These are subjective test results, meaning that you must determine whether these benefits fulfill your needs.
Bringing balance to EMF Radiation fields will allow you to use your wireless devices safely and with peace of mind.
Which Wireless Devices need EMF Protection?
Every wireless device you own is emitting EMF radiation. EMF Protection for your cellphone is vital because you are touching it and most people have a screen time of 5 hours+ per day. EMF Protection for laptops is also essential because you are typing on the keyboard of an EMF-emitting device all day (and remember that proximity is the key factor in terms o the impact that EMF has on the body, as well as strength of the field).
The last main offender is your router: EMF Protection for Wi-Fi is essential in your home or office because it is emitting wireless radiation even when you're not using it (it pulses signals out, passively).
So once you put an Omnia EMF Protection sticker on your cellphone (iPhone, Android or any type), on your laptop, your Wi-Fi router, tablet, smartwatch or any 'smart' device including Electric Vehicles, the energy they emit will be harmonized. There will be resonance between the EMF and your body. Our promise is that your body will respond well to this new energy field.
- Single Pack (3 stickers @£18 per sticker)
- Partner Pack (6 stickers @£16 per sticker)
- Family Pack (12 stickers @13 per sticker)
So count the number of devices you are connecting with every day, select your pack, apply your stickers and this will help to bring balance back to your body.
8,000+ Happy Customers :)
4.67 Average Rating Performance Tested on heart, blood, body strength & water structure
Please note: Our USA Fulfillment Centre is no longer operational because of Trump's Trade Tariffs. So we deliver to the USA from UK and it takes up to 9 days.
Your goods are sent from the UK and whatever customs terms apply for you to import it to your country WILL APPLY. USA Customers will be exempt, as will customers in Australia. In Canada, import duties will be charged on delivery. Please find out the relative Customs tariffs that your government charges.
If your country is not listed as a destination shipping option, please contact and we will arrange to ship your product.
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ORB Stickers Q&A
Any device that receives or transmits an electromagnetic radiation field needs an Omnia sticker to harmonize these EMFs and change its vibration to a state of 'balance and centredness' (which is a new field that your body likes). These devices will all need an individual sticker:
Cellphones (iPhones or Android), Wireless or Wired Headphones (you need ORB MiCRO for these), Laptops, Wi-Fi routers, Smartwatch, Tablets or iPads, EV's, Smart Meters, Microwave Ovens, interactive TV's, gaming consoles, any 'internet of things' device such as an interactive fridge. Some baby monitors are even wireless and will need a sticker too.
Omnia EMF Protection Pendants can be worn any time you are exposing yourself to wireless radiation fields coming from your devices or third party devices (e.g. on a bus, at the airport, at work or when you are sleeping).
It's really simple: you count up the devices in your home that emit or transmit EMF and then put an Omnia sticker on each one to harmonize the EMF. If a device you use gets a lot of abrasion or heavy wear, it's a good idea to put a protective sticker or case over the Omnia sticker so that the sticker is never damaged. This is particularly a good idea with a phone, to put a phone case over the top of the sticker.
The number one rule is that the sticker connects with the device. Do not stick it on the phone case or any other cover, but stick it directly on the actual device. Imagine that the radiating device is an energy field and so is the sticker - these two have to connect in order for the EMF to be balanced and harmonized. If you can find out where the EMF enters the device (for example in a laptop you know that the EMF comes into the BASE of the laptop, not the screen so you place the sticker on the base. Here is a video which shows where to put the sticker on all the main devices we use everyday:
The energy field ('Deca' Energy) will never run out, it will always be active and it will always be harmonizing the EMF/ wireless radiation. So as long as you look after the sticker or pendant, you will be protected. So don't lose your phone!
Omnia pendants serve a slightly different purpose to our EMF protection stickers. The stickers will treat the radiation at source and bring it to a balanced vibration that is resonant with the body. This is essential for any heavy user of a cellphone, laptop, tablet, smartwatch or earphones (please use the Omnia MiCRO products for headphones). When you put an Omnia sticker on a phone, it creates a bubble of harmonized energy around the phone that will keep your body safe. Alternatively, the Omnia pendant will work with the energy of the human body to bring it to electrical balance when you are using any unprotected wireless device, or when you are in a crowded area with lots of devices around, or when you are taking a walk without your phone to protect you. It is also a great sleep aid too which is good for people who live in tower blocks surrounded by neighbours' EMF radiation. So the stickers are essential for treating the source of all the EMF you are exposed to and the Pendant will do the same job to a large degree but is intended more as a backup and extra support to the stickers.
The inventor of the Omnia Radiation Balancer stickers is a former research professor from the Max Planck institute of Physics. He has found a way to harness a unit of energy that he calls 'Deca' energy which is a conscious energy unit that can be programmed to change the vibrational state of an EMF field. The stickers are printed with an energy field in them and then 'charged' up by the inventor in a process that he keeps quiet. He has written a book about Deca energy, how he discovered it, and what it is capable of which you can contact us to learn more about.
Omnia Radiation Balancer products often score the best in independent tests and are chosen by various energy healers using devices such as BioResonance machines. You can purchase these on the Omnia website as well as seeing testimonials and their test results on the heart, on blood, body strength (Applied Kinesiology) and water structure (the body is over 70% water). We will be happy to answer any questions you have about EMF or Omnia products and how they work.
General EMF Protection Q&A
EMF Protection is vital to your health because of one crucial thing: your body is electric and it relies on balanced electrical currents to function optimally. If you expose your body to imbalanced or stressful electromagnetic fields for a sustained amount of time, the body will be under strain (whether you realise/ notice this or not). There are thousands of studies on animals that show that they suffered from DNA strand breaks, cancers, heart defects, infertility, cognitive impairments and genotoxic effects - which you can find in the BioInitiative Study). Omnia has done many tests on the heart, blood and body strength (applied kinesiology) as well as BioResonance to show that the body reacts adversely (in very subtle, indetectable ways) to exposure to EMF and these results need to be digested in order for you to decide whether this is a concern for you.
We are touching our laptops all day, which are connected to wireless radiation fields. This direct connection to the EMF can cause electrical imbalance in the body. This is commonly experienced as tingles or fuzziness in the hands, fingers or arms. When you neutralize or harmonize the EMF these symptoms should reduce and your body will return to its normal balance. There are many animal studies showing that rats react adversely to EMF exposure and Omnia has done tests on humans (and water) to show not only the deleterious effects caused by EMF but also the reversal of symptoms when Omnia Radiation Balancer products are used.
An EMF Protection phone case is designed to block the EMF from reaching or being transmitted by the phone, when it's connecting with either a Wi-Fi router or a celltower to transfer data. If successful, you should be able to measure the level of EMF on a radiofrequency meter return to a reading close to zero. However, there are two drawbacks: firstly the phone will not receive data while in the case. And secondly, even though the EMF is supposedly blocked, you still need to do tests on the body to ensure that you know the body is responding well to this type of protection. Because even at very low levels of EMF the body is known to react adversely.
The levels of EMF transmitted by iPhones are very high - you can measure this with a Radiofrequency Radiation meter. This energy field is discordant with the body's energy field so you want to make sure that you are harmonizing these fields, which means to change the vibration of the EMF so that is now resonant, or in harmony with the body's electrical field. Other methods include blocking the EMF, which has drawbacks such as not receiving data, or putting the phone on airplane mode as much as possible. You can wear EMF deflective clothing but the problem with this is that key areas (the hands, or head) are still exposed. Harmonizers are recommended and that is what Omnia Radiation Balancer products do, with great effectiveness.
Omnia Product Delivery and Shipping
Omnia ships to practically every international country from our fulfilment centres in the UK, Germany and the USA. We can not always guarantee that our local centres are fully stocked and if there is a shortage we fulfil from the UK primarily. There are some countries which are notoriously difficult for us to serve because the cost of sending and importing (set by governments), is prohibitive for items of low value. Examples of difficult countries to serve are: South Africa; Iceland; Russia, Cap Verde. If you are living in a country which is not listed as available on our shopping cart, please send us an email so we can discuss your options:
If you have not used your products, you can return them in their original form and packaging within 30 days.
If you have used some of the products and want to return the ones you have not used, please contact us at and we will arrange to receive the goods back and compensate for the single items.
All returns are posted back at the customer's expense.
Please note: the goods may need to be posted back to the UK, which is the only place we can re-work and re-package the goods.
Omnia Radiation Balancer products Full Refund Policy is here:
It depends on where you are in the world and where we post your goods from. We have depots (fulfilment centres) in the UK, USA and Germany (serving only the EU). If there is ever a shortage of stock we will fulfil from the UK. The UK posts to all areas except for USA and EU. If you are in Australia, it may take 2 weeks for your goods to arrive from UK but in USA the goods should arrive quickly (within 7 days).
You can contact us on the pop up widget on our website or through this page:
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